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Mechanical & Electrical Support – Contract, Technical and Commercial M&E Solutions

It’s true for most construction projects that the Mechanical and Electrical build requirements will extend to all or most areas of the works, it’s also true that the M&E trade package often attracts greater cost than most other packages.  It’s no surprise then that many of our Clients (Employers, Main Contractors and M&E Contractors) continue to benefit from the provision of Pyments Mechanical & Electrical Support to meet their contractual, technical and commercial project management needs.

Whilst our focus will be aligned to the M&E project matters you refer us to, our teams capability extends to the full range of Pyments Core Services, including all aspects of Contractual, Commercial and Technical Project Management, to leading the advocacy in adjudication proceedings in matters of contract, liability, quantum and time.

Key to our service is in ensuring a holistic approach to all project matters is maintained at all times, which in turn ensures your team remain appropriately informed of all aspects of existing or new matters arising, and crucially, when and how to address them.

Sage advice once offered….”the dilemma is, if we keep thinking the way we always have, we’ll keep getting what we’ve always got“. Pyments provide strategies and solutions to help change the way you think.

To find out more and how we can help you with your project… contact us for more information.

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